Where Beauty Illuminates & Rejuvinates
Body Glo by Denair, LLC is located in the West End area of Winston-Salem. We operate a full service spa specializing in corrective skin care for women, men, and teens. We also offer waxing, vajacials, permanent makeup, facials, brow enhancements, and lash extensions. We offer clients personalized skincare based on ethnicity, skin conditions, and desired results. We carry and sell only the best and most effective products such as; Waxing Lovely, iS Clinical, Viktoria DeAnn, Skin Script, DMK, Rejuvie,Se-Brazil, Nicck Townsend, Elaine Brennan, Mermaid Wax, and Clinicians Complex. We are looking forward to servicing you!
Denair Edwards (Owner/Operator)
Phone: 336-406-6083
Email: [email protected]
More About Denair